Chagme Raga Asey was the first Chagme Rinpoche. His coming was prophesied by Guru Padmasambhava in many terma texts.
The Great Tertön Ratna Lingpa prophesied:
Namchö Migyur Dorje Prophesied:
Referring to Karma Chagme's thirteen reincarnations that will have the self-emerging letter 'Ah' on their foreheads. As clearly prophesied, Karma Chagme is the embodiment of the Three Kayas who are Amitabha, Avaloketeswara and Padmasambhava. There are many other precise prophecies about him.
In 1603 Karma Chagme the first was born in a village called Ngom. His father was Anu Pema Wang of the Dong Khachopa tribe who were the descendants of the Great Dharma King Trisong Detsen. His mother was Chokyong Kyid.
At the age of five he recognized the true nature of mind and he perfected the Kyerim skills. During his ninth year he went to Zadam to study and mastered all the philosophies and quintessential teachings and thus became one of the greatest masters.
From his root guru Garwang Chokyi Wangchuk and other greatest masters he received Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings. He stayed at his main seat in Pari Tse in Neydo where he had visions of deities. Dharmapalas served him as their master. He had the signs of high accomplishments, clairvoyance and power. His level of understanding is believed to be tasteness Stage of the Four stages of accomplishment. Through his empowerments, teachings and writings many realized their true nature. He subdued many spirits. Thus having many qualities, he remained a great Siddha. The derivation of Neydo Kagyu Lineage came from him.
He had five root sons (main disciples) who were Namchö Migyur Dorje, Palyul Kunzang Sherab, Dzogchen Pema Rigzin, Goche Orgyen Tharchin, and Neydo Dechen Rinpoche. He had many other great disciples as well.
His teachings spread all over Eastern Tibet. His writings comprised of seventy -seven volumes of Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings from his mind treasure. All his teachings were written after having a vision of Guru Rinpoche during his strict twelve-year retreat. Having been given the permission from the deities he gave teachings which were very lucid, effective and full of blessings.
After promoting the Dharma and liberating immeasurable sentient beings he passed into Mahaparinirvana at the age of 69. After the cremation of his body many relics and self-emerging images of deities were found. On his skull was the naturally embossed letter 'Ah'. (=)
The second Karma Chagme was Trinley Wangjung, The third Karma Chagme was Trinley Tenzin The fourth Karma Chagme was Tenzin Trinley The fifth Karma Chagme was Sangnag Tenzin. Tertön Chogyur Lingpa and Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje simultaneously honored him with a very special hat called Pema Thongdrol that means liberation through seeing. The sixth Karma Chagme was Tsultrim Namgyal. All of these Tulkus have promulgated the Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings.
The seventh Karma Chagme ' the Avaloketeshvara in reality '. He was born to the Gehmotsang family in 1926, Lhathog village in Eastern Tibet with many miraculous signs. The sixteenth Karmapa recognized him as the unmistakable incarnation of Khedrub Karma Chagme giving him the name Karma Tenzin Trinley Kunkhyab Pal Zangpo. He was enthroned at his main seat Tashi Choling Monastery in Ngom Neydo. He studied all the Sutra and Tantra teachings with his tutor Neydo Sangye Rinpoche. He received empowerments, Oral transmissions, Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings. After practicing these teachings he has give many empowerments and teachings according to the capabilities of his disciples. He has also benefited many beings through his blessings and practice of traditional medicine.
One early morning in 1945 five children carrying five brocade bags appeared to him. One child took out a scroll of writings on banana leaves and gave it to him. On it was written, " From Eastern Tibet we want to invite five Lamas and you are one of them. It is time to go to India. The situation has changed and there will be many difficulties. Do not be attached to your home." From then on there were always signs and prophecies indicating he should leave Tibet. One day he had a vision of Guru Padma Sambhava in the Wrathful form saying, " You are now late but if you leave within a week, you will face many obstacles but you will be able to leave Tibet." Secretly Rinpoche and some of his attendants traveled day and night towards Sho Ta Lho Sum where they stayed for about three months. At that time the Chinese army caught Rinpoche and put him in chains and while taking him away, there was a big explosion and Rinpoche was seen flying in the sky while his outer robes and chains remained on the ground. Similarly many other miraculous incidents occurred while he was fleeing from Tibet, allowing him safe arrival in India.
In 1984 Rinpoche visited his seat Tashi Choling Monastery in Ngom Neydo, Tibet for the first time since the Chinese occupation and stayed there two years. Rinpoche then made several trips to his monastery in the later years. Rinpoche has restored some parts of the monastery that was completely demolished during the Chinese occupation.
Rinpoche gives empowerments and expounded teachings according to the capabilities of the people present. Rinpoche helps many sick people who suffer from ailments through traditional healing practices. Thus living as a secret yogi he works tirelessly for the benefit of all sentient beings.
This short life story of the Peerless master Khedrub Karma Chagme was written by Khentrul the incarnation of Karme Khenchen Rinpoche. Sarva Mangalam.