The great qualities of Karma Khenchen Rinchen Dargye I can only roughly summarize here. When he practiced the path, he gave rise to the supreme mind of enlightenment and from that many great waves of his conduct came forth.
Specifically, once there was a woman who was a keeper of birds. She gave birth to three sons, and at the time of their birth she had the heartfelt desire to build a stupa for the relics of the Sugata, and thereby accumulate immense spiritual merit. Her three sons carried out her wish by building the great stupa called Jarung Kashor. At that time, all three sons made aspirations, and through them, one son became the sole lamp of Dharma in the country of Tibet- - the Great Abbot Bodhisattva (Shantarakshita). In an unbroken chain he took rebirth again and again. Much later he took rebirth as the divine student of the great Terton Chogyur Lingpa. He was the last student to hold the extraordinary teachings of the Great Terton.
Many great scholars have concurred with what has been said above. For example, 5th Karmapa Deshin Shekpa prophesized,
And, it says in The Pure Speech that is the Extraordinary Wish-fulfilling Gem that Accomplishes the Buddha Mind,
Like that, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye, and Chogyur Lingpa, all of one mind and of the same speech, accepted Karme Khenchen Rinchen Dargye as an emanation of Shantarakshita.
Karma Khenchen Rinchen Dargye was born in Karme Palshi Sholgyi Lungkong, in the family line called Nyak-se. when he was still very young he mastered reading and writing with no difficulty. From his father he received permission to become a monk. In many monk’s colleges such as Dzachu Ka and others, he became a scholar in the ten sciences. He relied on his root guru, the Regent of the Great Lake-Born Lama (Padmasambhava), the emanation of the Great Terton, Chogyur Dechen ShikpoLingpa. From his root guru he received the Dzogchen instructions and many other oral instructions of the profound Dharma that perfectly ripen and liberate those who hear them. Also, he relied on the omniscient lamas Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Lodro Thaye, and others, all great scholars and meditation masters. He heard many teachings from the Old and New traditions that ripen and liberate those who hear them.
For twelve years he practiced meditation in retreat in a single place, and through this practice he realized the true nature of the Dharmata, just as it is, he became a great siddha.
His chief heart disciples were: Zurmang Drung KarmaChokyi Nyinje, the second incarnation of Terchen Rolpay Dorjey, and Tsenyi Soten. He taught these and other disciples, each according to their own capacity. He also gave them many empowerments and meditation instructions.
He went to the monasteries of Sera and Drepung, amongst other, and there he engaged in philosophical debates. As a result of his showing in these debates, everyone venerated him and prostrated to him. He was given the title Khen Shalampa, and his reputation as a scholar and siddha spread far and wide.
His teachings number twenty major volumes, as well as many other smaller works. He collected the secret, profound, and extensive pith instructions of the Great Terton and became as the Great Terton’s Regent. His actions were to the great and profound benefit of the teachings of the Buddha and of all beings. Finally, at the age of eighty, he demonstrated parinirvana, dissolving into the great expanse.
Khenchen Rinpoche’s second emanation was born into the well-known family of Tzangsar Lha. In the great seat of the Karmapa’s speech, Ogmin, the Victorious, powerful lord, the great fifteenth, appointed him regent. His actions were to the great and profound benefit of the Buddha’s teachings and of all beings.
Khenchen Rinpoche’s third emanation was born into the well-known family called Nyakshung Wako. At the age of twenty-one he dissolved into the great expanse.
Khenchen Rinpoche’s fourth emanation is the supreme Karma Shenpen Chokyi Dawa. His father is the scholar and siddha, the mighty holder of the teachings, the seventh Nendo Karma Chagme Rinpoche. His mother is Pema Lhamo. He was born in 1976. The Victorious Powerful Lord, the Great Sixteenth Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorjey, unerringly recognized him as the emanation of Karma Khenchen Rinpoche when he was six years old, and together with this, cut his hair (gave him refuge). At the Great Seat of Rumtek Monastery, he was enthroned on a golden throne. As in his previous emanations, he learned reading and writing, heard teachings on the Dharma of Sutra and Tantra.
In 1987 he went for the first time to his previous seat, the second Great Seat of the Karmapa, Ogmin Karma Gon, in the province of Kham. In 1992 he returned there, visited many monasteries, and to many people gave the empowerment and transmission of the Kagyu Ngag Dzod Chenmo. He also gave them extensive teachings. Not only that, he restored several monasteries that had been destroyed, and he built three new meditation retreat centers, amongst other things. All his activities were to the great benefit of the Buddha’s teachings and of all beings. Now he is starting to perform similar great actions in both the East and the west. By disseminating the Dharma of Sutra and Tantra amongst all the many disciples who come to him, he fulfills and will continue to each and all of their hopes.